Darko Richter
University Hospital Center, Croatia
Darko Richter is pediatrician, subspecialist in allergy and clinical immunology. He studied and worked in Zagreb, Croatia. Retired from the University Hospital Center Zagreb in 2020. Active in Derma Plus Polyclinic since. The main field of interest: Pediatric allergy, immunodeficiency and vaccines. Authored and co-authored more than 120 articles in medical journals, and 26 chapters in 13 medical textbooks in Croatian and English. Invited lecturer on more than 150 occasions of professional, academic, and sponsored lectures. Scopus H-index 15. President, Croatian Pediatric Society – Zagreb (2009 - 2013). Founder and first President, Section on Pediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Croatian Pediatric Society (2010 - 2020).
Abstract : Immune, infectious and epidemiological aspects of COVID-19 vaccination